Tuesday 11 June 2013

Tomcat is the moniker used on both www.accfourm.org and www.accfocus.org of a Ken Miller - this man is a career criminal with dozens of aliases. He has set himself up as judge, jury and executioner of a NZ Citizen by the name of Alan Gordon Thomas.

Tomcat lied to the NZ Police in a statement and committed perjury - he will be held account for these heinous crimes.

He is a cyber bully and stalker within www.accforum.org where he defames and pokes abuse at anyone whom he thinks is getting in his way, he is aided and abetted by his tag team of followers, Tomcat has an almost cult like leader following from some women who frequent accforum.

Tomcat is the rudest,grubbiest and smelliest poster within accforum, I will post a collection of his sayings here soon. They are vulgar, profane, offensive and have sexual connotations which are all against the accforum rules.

Tomcat is certainly a scumcat and low life two faced prick who has gone unchallenged for far too long, the  admin of accforum must act to remove his membership as he is the pre-eminant protagonist who posts to accforum.